I wrote a script called phx-docker-compose-new that can be used instead of mix phx.new to generate a new Phoenix application. Building the development...
この記事について Raspberry Pi、TensorFlow、Pythonのいずれにも詳しくない筆者が、物体検出をやって楽しんだ成果の記録です。 TensorFlow公式の物体検出のサンプルプログラムを実行します。 動作環境 ボード Raspberry Pi 4 Model...
One day I was trying to upgrade one of my Phoenix 1.5 apps to Phoenix 1.6. In that app, I customize Bootstrap styles using SCSS. I want to talk about...
This is written in Japanese. I might convert it to English later, maybe. はじめに Elixirのテストでモックを用意するときに利用するElixirパッケージとして、moxが人気です。Elixir作者のJosé...
TIL Access supports keyword lists (Keyword) and maps (Map) out of the box, but not structs. There is a reason why Elixir does not implement Access...
I want to enable my Nerves devices to talk to each other using Distributed Erlang. Here is my memo. Preparation Find hostname or IP address for each...